
Water has an important role to play in most civil construction like concrete, brick or stone structures. At the same time, prolonged exposure to water almost invariably causes accelerated ageing or damage in some form or the other to these civil structures. Presence of water also provides a conducive environment for microorganism’s growth making the substrates look dull and dirty.

Zydex Nanotechnology products for waterproofing offer effective & economical solutions to these problems. The silane products based on innovative adaptation of organo silane chemistry chemically react with the substrate and make them waterproofed. Unlike Paints, the silane products do not form just a coating on the substrate. Rather they penetrate in to the substrate making it inherently waterproofed.

Easy spray application and attractive long term economics makes the value proposition further attractive. Such waterproofed substrates bond well with almost any type of paint applied on them.

Technology Propositions

Zycosil+ (Waterproofing)
  • 100% Silane
  • Water soluble nanotechnology
  • Thermal and UV stability,
  • Life: 20+ years
  • Penetrative in very fine pores and cracks
  • Reactive, non leachable
Zycoprime+ (Bonding Agent) Improves bonding of cementitious mixture / new plaster on Zycosil treated surfaces Literature
Elastobar (Membranes) In-situ on site membrane with high strength and elasticity Literature


Although a substrate waterproofing by Zydex silane products can take any type of paint on top, if you are looking for long term reliable protection with great aesthetic appeal look no further- Zydex range of primers & paints are here for you.